Winter – governed by the WATER ELEMENT –
powerful rest for your mind, body & spirit
The water element is dominant through winter… the kidney and bladder meridians…
Water boils, it freezes, it creates paths and canyons…
Water can be clean, infested, muddy or clear…
Water can be life giving, destructive, life itself, precious and taken for granted…
Here are some facts* about the water in your body:
- your body consists of an average of 60% water ( less for women, more for men on average)
- there is more water in lean muscle than fatty tissuewater protects teh spinal
- the percentage of water in the body changes with age…
- babies hold a high percentage of water in their bodies (up to 74%).
- cells contain roughly 60% of water in the body
- brain and kidneys hold the highest percentage of water content
- the bones and teeth the lowest proportion
- water protects the spinal chord and other sensitive tissues
- removes waste from the body – sweating, urination..
- regulates temperature
- lubricates and cushions joints.
And so, with all of this, what does the winter water element have for you?
The water element is within you and outside of you… your energy, your thoughts, your actions… and also the energy around you, from others and the environment.
Winter & it’s corresponding Water Element is the most YIN time for us – meaning the most still, internal and female energetically.
The emotions most in play through an unbalanced water element are fear… lack of willpower, isolation and insecurity…
But… when your water element is balanced you will flow.. your will strong, feeling awe and determined.. you will grow and develop with ease..
The water element determines our constitutional strength and and resistance to disease… if you nurture, revitalise and strengthen your water element you will directly effect your immunity, memory and growth.
So, how do you nurture and revitalise your water element – your mind, body, spirit in winter?
- rest – a lot!
- gentle movements – walks (without headsets/listening), yin yoga..
- keep warm, especially around your kidney area… (no mid-drift tops in winter please)
- look inward to reset and calm any fears, isolation or disconnect you have from your essence, heart or will… (this may or may not need help – professional or otherwise)
- eat and drink with intention… what you put in your body matters, so does the intention in which it enters with…
- slow down… intentionally… with grace… with compassion…
- create time to detox your mind and body and sprit.. to strengthen your immune system – mind, body and spirit.
- laugh, dance, paint, read, look out the window, sit in the sun… play and loosen up… dress up, dress down, but dress warmly…
I want to share some reading and thoughts I have been exploring around water…
I have recently come across Veda Austin and her work with water – freezing water after words or intentions or even pictures have been near it… with some mind blowing results…
It has got me to thinking…
With our bodies containing so much water, surely the intention or vibration of your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions holds a huge and even cataclysmic place in the health of our cells, organs and tissue…
The shape of the physical crystalline structure in our bodies... that may cause ease or pain, may directly linked to what the water in our body is holding and reflecting…mmmm… so….
I am experimenting… with the water inside of me… I am experimenting while I drink with intention, holding the water and infusing it with love or courage or determination or joy…
If you would like to join me with this experiment, contact me and we can play with these ideas together…
Watch this space… as winter is the perfect time to notice and honour the water in my mind, body and spirit!
For more information on Veda Austin, head to:
The image below is taken form Veda Austin’s Instagram feed… angels…
And… so…. winter and water… the most yin of times…. the time to rest and rejuvenate… to nurture and rest… to laugh and reconnect… to keep warm and open… in mind, body and spirit!
If you would like help to find rest or develop your YIN spaces or to reconnect mind, body & spirit… contact me and let’s begin.