Hello, I’m Lisa Cohen.
Kinesiology in Sydney’s Northern Beaches
It is difficult to build a picture of
who I am in a few sentences – I am a mix
of light and dark, sun and moon, spirit
and earth, joy and sadness.
I am a Mother, a Wife, a Daughter, a
Sister, a Friend, a Workmate, a Healer,
a Neighbour, a Child of God, and a Wild
woman (my husband laughs at this one!).
I find immense joy in and through my
children, my relationships and my faith.
My life is filled with privilege and
gratitude as I sit with and walk with
others on the journey that we call Life.
I love to dance, to laugh, watch movies, Yin Yoga, getting in the ocean…
I dream of getting into the garden, travelling and speaking on stage…