1: Listen to your Body & Spirit..
Your body is so complex, and yet, speaks so simply! You will ALWAYS know when things aren’t right, out of balance or too heavy… The problem at this time of year (maybe any time of year) is that we are too frantic to listen… You may experience symptoms like:
- headaches, pain, gut issues, stiffness…
- trouble sleeping, difficulty making decisions, overthinking, foggy-headed…
- anxiety, anger, frustration, impatience, nothing is good enough…
These symptoms (and the many I have not listed), indicate you are out of balance, in mind, body and spirit… Being out of balance means you aren’t in the flow, or living life optimally. Often your ‘head’ speaks the loudest, has the bigger megaphone… but, you also need to listen to your body and spirit equally, in unison and in balance. At this time of year it’s so important to listen to your body AND spirit – so you can flow, be energised and balanced.
2: Learn to say NO..
This time of year is so busy, there is also so many expectations on your time, that it is too easy to get overwhelmed, over-committed and over-tired. If you are a ‘people pleaser’, it can be especially fraught with danger… putting everyone else before you… before your needs… till you are exhausted, resentful and over-extended…
3: Say YES to fun and joyful spaces..
When you’re feeling heavy and overburdened, it feels like there is no time to be still, dance, laugh, play or create…. but that is exactly what you need to feel lighter, more able to cope and free to move easily. After you have enabled your ‘NO’, you can then make space for your ‘YES”… Yes to calm, Yes to joyful movement Yes to offering from your heart Yes to spacious abandon.
4: Simplicity is the key – K.I.S.S
Don’t you love this – it is so simple! Keep it Simple… SuperHero! When everything is layered, complicated, and too much, it is really important to break things down into smaller pieces – take one thing off your to-do-list , make space… How can you make your day more simple?
- Each evening make a list of what your tomorrow looks like.
- Is there too much? What can you move, shift, give to someone else? There must be something…
- Plan what you need to move and shift your tomorrow
- Wake up the next day feeling a little lighter, with a slightly lighter list.
I tend to over-complicate, over-compensate, over-buy... so I know what it is to have too much going on… and I am learning, one end-of-year-at-a-time to K.I.S.S!
5: Time for your well-being is essential.
In amongst the noise, the frantic, the constancy of it all, giving yourself time each day (ideally) to look after your-self – to give your mind, body and spirit a rest, a big hug and an energy boost! Rest comes in many and varied states –
- physical – nap, walk, massage..
- mental – turn off phone, meditation, laugh with a friend..
- emotional – time in nature, journaling, talk with a friend/family, mind-body awareness..
- sensory – closing your eyes, listening to music, a bath, breath work…
- creative – turn off work, dance, play an instrument, draw, knit, start a hobby…
- social – time alone, sometimes a long shower is all we get, solo walk…
- spiritual – meditating, praying, yoga, daily practice, in nature…