Peaceful Parenting

A Workshop to help find Calm in the chaos!

In Person, in Dee Why.

Friday, 18th October. 6.30pm


kinesiology workshop parenting mindbody connection Calm
No matter the age of your kids, there are always times of chaos, and always times you feel out of control or even helpless to know what to do…

It’s really hard to keep your cool, when you feel out of control and so confused about what to do next… Your kids are driving you crazy… your back is sore, your shoulders so heavy and you’re not sleeping…

You need to find some guidance and strategies, to show you that you can be different, and that you can feel ‘sane’ again.

All you know is that you want a happy and vibrant family, that is connected, respectful and happy. There is no blame, no judgement, but you want some help to be the best parent, the best you, throughout the stresses and worries of parenthood.
This workshop – Peaceful Parenting – is about YOU! 
workshop northern beaches mental health trauma inner child

As parents, we often experience guilt, frustration, anger, the sadness of lost dreams, and of course having to put our own needs on the back burner…

This workshop:

  • addresses how YOU can experience all the multitudes of emotion, but not get bogged down in them, not let them effect your relationships or your calm!
  • allows time and space for YOU – to be aware of your own subconscious habits, judgements and beliefs, that play out in your words and actions with your kids.

Through the Peaceful Parenting Workshop:

  • You will gently discover new ways of interpreting, perceiving and responding…
  • You will feel safer and confident in your parenting – home will be more peaceful, your sleep will improve, and your confusion will be transformed into clarity and ease.
  • You are taking your first step in transforming your parenting – your conscious responses – so that you can indeed feel connected, happy and at ease with your kids!

This Workshop is NOT about how to discipline your kids, or what food to feed them, or how much screen time to allow them…

This workshop IS about YOU! 

Your beliefs, fears, anxieties and subconscious workings…

No matter the age of your kids, this time is for you if you want to be the calm and peace you dream of – to reclaim you, to make space for ease and even rest.
kinesiology workshop subconscious beliefs parenting
What you will experience:
  • A Cuppa and light snacks!
  • Awareness and maybe even an ‘aha’ moment about your nervous system and subconscious, and how they play together to create your now.
  • Real life strategies for you to find yourself and feel in control, even in the most stressful of situations.
  • A guided mindfulness exercise and thoughtful journaling.
  • An enhanced confidence in yourself as a parent.
  • An understanding of how your past plays out in your present.
All this for $44!
Lisa is a Holistic Kinesiologist, EFT Practitioner, Wayapa Wuurk Practitioner and is trauma informed, and has been hosting workshops and circles for many years.
  • You will be in safe hands, in a non-judgemental space, able to rest into your Peaceful heart.
  • Yes, all parents are welcome – Any parent, of any religion, race or gender diversity are welcome. If you are a parent, or carer, you are welcome!
  • Places are limitedto be able to create a comfortable and safe space for youlock your place in before it’s full!

Through this workshop, you can understand how children are gifting us a healing tool – ie: what most needs healing from our own childhood, or even inter-generationally, are the buttons pushed, the drips on the stone… the small but constant reminders of our where we can change and feel lighter and more at ease within ourselves.

Lisa looks forward to meeting you, and guiding you to your very own ‘Peaceful Parenting’ experience.
*This workshop is not a counselling session, and yes, there will be time for sharing, the intention is not for a ‘counselling’ session with Lisa.
In2Balance Kinesiology, overwhelm, pain, clarity, spaciousness

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