Love & Compassion Project

a Circle for Humanity

In2Balance Kiesiology Lisa Cohen guded meditation calm rlease full moon

What a world it would be to share your healing and wisdom with others.. to offer these gems to someone else – to help them heal too!

You can!

Right here in the L&C Project – A Circle!

A Circle for humanity, with humanity, with inclusiveness and joy.

A Circle for Women and Men together…

Love and Compassion – the highest form of offering – from Spirit to us, from us to others, from us to all….

What is the L&C Project Circle?

A small gathering of 10 people who will simply sit together, explore themes around Love and Compassion.. and offer these wisdoms to others  – offering them forward to others – named or unnamed, to the community, to the land, to the country, the global community, the universal community…

Honour your own healing… offer your wisdom forward…

Reserve your place in the L&C Circle by clicking here!

In2Balance Kinesiology L&C Project

Who is this L&C Project Circle for?

This small group is for you if you:

  • want to care for others and use specific time so that your focus is outside of yourself…
  • know that we are all in this together, and are comfortable to be with many viewpoints at once..
  • want to share in a forum of female and male, able to listen and be listened to..
  • understand that what has been healed for one (you), can also be healed for others.
  • accept the mystery of energy exchange and connection between all beings.
  • acknowledge that Love and Compassion are the highest form of offering and healing.

What will we do in the L&C Project Gathering?

  • We will concentrate on offering forward love, peace, patience, joy, kindness, goodness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, light…
  • Each gathering will have a focused theme to explore and offer forward..
  • We will sit together, discuss and share, use ceremony, mindfulness and meditation and other amazing tools for grounding, exploring and offering.

What will we focus on?

Each week we will have a focus for discussion and the intended offering it forward – including love, compassion, kindness, mercy, gentleness, joy, peace, patience….

What do you mean by Healing & Wisdom?

Your own healing is about developing awareness of your body, mind, and spirit – how the past, present and future impact on your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, movements and perspectives.. awareness then leads to understanding, clarity, letting go, building up, grounding, integration… the cycle of healing… what you are conscious of and even unconscious of.

Your own wisdom is that, which is deep inside you, that you just know to be true… Your own and individual heart wisdom, your own and individual body wisdom, your own spirit wisdom…

How do I Offer my Healing Forward?

As you heal, so those around you heal also…through an exchange of energy, through ceremony, music, prayer, mindfulness, meditation, and intention.

Where will we meet?

In Berry Hall, within the Tramshed complex in Narrabeen…

We will be looking directly out onto Narrabeen Lake. A beautiful place of quiet and and sacred intention. A place for all of humanity to gather together in community to create and offer the Love and Compassion this world needs.

How Much will this cost?

  • Each Circle ticket is $35.
  • If you are strapped for cash, there is an option to pay what you can – $5 upwards.

In2Balance Kinesiology workshops calm balance

We will meet the Wednesday closest to the New Moon, once a month, to honour our commitment to our own sacred walking and the walking of others.

I am Lisa Cohen, an Holistic Kinesiologist who has 20 years experience in hosting small group circles…

Join me at the L&C Project… join me to offer your wisdom forward.


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