I walked through the bush on my own – no voices to distract me, no laughter to turn my head, no footsteps to follow. What followed was a kind of awakening, a kind of revelation of nature, of God, of creation and of me. This is a very early piece of mine, when my words were just beginning.
Today I viewed the spectacle of His creative hand;
We say that Van Gogh or Mozart are supreme,
But today, the colours so rich and dense, each shade it’s own,
Was far beyond any master!
The grand daddy trees so immense, so inspiring;
The walking track palms – He knows our needs for the long walk in the forest.
The path always growing, always changing – from death comes life.
The cool breeze a reminder of His love and care.
Remember the the black shimmering body upon a log – terrifying and peaceful – not a movement from the creature that knows this place as home.
And the beautiful black bird, seemingly of no origin or race – much like us in this nation of ours.
We seem so brave with our salt on the leech! They survive in this harsh place, but we, as visitors, demand a place of shelter, of hiding from the outside – are these a reminder of the world in it’s fallen state?
We walk for so long with our heads facing the sky, our necks craning to see every inch of the forest – what have we missed in our desire to see it all!
Is God showing us something? Are we, am I, too busy, so caught up in seeing all of him, that I miss even a peak of His splendour?
My whole body, mind and soul sing out in praise and glory to the Most High God, the Lord of all Creation.
Do you remember the sound of the water breaking the silence?
The rumble we could not see?
The droplets falling – catching the sun as they smashed onto the rocks below, as millions had done before. Traveling to an un-named destination, to a place of rest? If only I could travel as quickly and assuredly on the path God was calling me on!
Do you remember the family swimming – the laughter and joy, then suddenly tears under the deceptive drops? Isn’t life full of these places – joyous and fun, yet deceptive to bring tears and fear…
Only the Creator of these place knows the way out – can rescue us from our fears – God Himself on earth.
I know which I prefer, I know which I have chosen.
Thank you my God, my Creator, my Companion.